Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Tree feller anger triple bill

East Grinstead Courier and Observer: Residents angry as council workmen cut down decaying trees

And the killer call-out quote: "I see no evidence of disease on the stumps that are left, except for the one remaining tree that fell over a few weeks ago."

Spotter's Badge: Skuds


  1. Pff. Why are they chopping down all the trees? Leaves me stumped.

  2. Those photos look like a radical departure for the GAP catalogue. Good to see they're still using the 'Gazing Into the Middle Distance' pose in shots 2 and 3 though.

  3. RobinOfLocksley10:43 am

    Class photo work. I especially like the inclusion of the Tourist Information sign in pic 3. It's noble stoicism in proximity to the scene of arborial outrage speaks volumes, I feel, and (cont. p.94)
