Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sex slave anger

Birmingham Mail: Anger as sex slave girl found in brothel

Now, I wouldn't normally run this story because of the subject matter. But then, I realised the immense photoshop job done on Supernun by the Mail. Above you see her outside a knocking shop. But where - you ask - was the original pose taken? Why, in a church!

+1,000,000 points

Spotter's Badge: Martyn


  1. Same thing, isn't it?

  2. Sex slave?
    Nun for me thanks.

  3. Jesus of Shagging 60yr old Nuns in Brum up the Bum3:07 pm

    "The nun, who is in her 60s, said: “I worked with a girl from China who is now being cared for. The police found her in a cage in a city brothel. She did not even know which country she was in."

    To be honest the brummie accent could confuse even an english person!

    Oh...and I have had the nun...and she loved it!
