Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Hospital bus anger

Coventry Observer: Fury as hospital bus route is scrapped

"Great! Here comes a bus! Stand in the middle of the road!"

Spotter's Badge: Darryl


  1. Wow! Full marks to the photog for changing Mr Angry's shirt with Ye Olde Photoshoppe to match the bus.

    Silly protest though. Buses are what poor people use to move around and poor people have the highest rates of sickness. If they can't get to the hospital by bus then they will need to find something else to do instead of being sick and the NHS will save hundreds of guineas.

  2. What you failed to notice, Mr Smartypants, in your "stand in the middle of the road" comment was that if he does get knocked over, the bus can take him to the hospital. Looks like a win-win situation to me.

  3. That is a very camp pose.

  4. Anonymous10:47 pm

    I'm a little teapot...
