Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Dog poo crusade anger

Colchester Daily Gazette: DIY crusade against dog mess in Colchester

THE HOLY GRAIL: A dog pointing at dog poo


  1. I think that the dog is gently moving chav number two back out of his way so that he can read the no-pooping notice that chav number one is holding up. 'Scuse me Missus, cab you just get back a bit please...

  2. I'd take a scout up her lane.

  3. RobinOfLocksley10:15 am

    I think the dog's trying to point out that her squatting pose is inappropriate, considering the issue. Scouting For Boys, anyone?

  4. I promise that I will do my best,
    To do my duty to...

    ...that one on the left, who liooks like she could use a woggle.
