Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Burst pipes anger

Reading Evening Post: Burst pipes devastate woman's home for second time

Don't worry everybody - Batman's here!


  1. Blimey. She looks like Heather off Eastenders's stunt double.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous4:28 pm

    OK, so that's Silent Bob, where's Jay?

  4. Isolator, that is really Daily Mail of you, yes. If you know it, why say it? Do you think it gives you a free pass? It doesn't.

    Only rubbish sexist jokes get you free passes. Try harder!

  5. None of you blokes gonna admit to bursting your pipes after seeing this?
    I thought it was that Camilla Batmangellidhjkkehjjkh or whatever she's called, was going to report her for fiddling benefits.

  6. Yeh, had a bad day yesterday.

    I've removed my cr4ppy rant.

    Normal service of poor quality sexist humour will be restored as soon as there is something to post about. Never usually takes long :)

  7. Anonymous3:44 pm

    Isnt that the same character as in the e-fit further down the page? Karma?
