Saturday, January 28, 2012

Monopoly anger

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Family upset as Bradford edition of Monopoly has cards for Plymouth version

I am reliably informed that the first comment is a troll. Played, sir!

Spotter's Badge: John


  1. I weep blood daily at the tragedies of this world. Whatever next? These poor loves should be given Red Cross blankets and at least a community chest each on the NHS.

  2. I'd collect all the utilities and charge them 10 times the dice roll.

  3. Alternatively...
    I'd sneak a peak at her community chest.

  4. Give me a 'Chance' with her on the left & I'd end up going straight to Jail without passing GO or collecting £200.

    She can land on my Water Works anyday.

    I've got a hotel on Mayfair with her name on it. long have we got...? :)
