Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dead hen anger

Wolverhampton Express and Star: Woman upset as vandals kill hen

You know how I feel about making snarky comments about crime victims on these pages, so SHUT IT.

Also: Catch these tossers who did it. That is all.

Spotter's Badge: Martyn


  1. I love the artsy-fartsy way the newspaper photog has impaled her on a clothes-prop, presumably to keep the poor love still during his lengthy exposure.

    NB - while hen killing is a capital punishment offence in my book so is a., owning a chihuahua and b., calling your hens after "food" items beloved by omnivores.

  2. The photographer has done well to combine all the elements, but she doesn't look very angry.

  3. It's a shame she's lost a hen. But I've got a cock she could have

  4. Robinof Locksley10:13 am

    The way that dog is eyeing the chicken, I suspect an inside job. Also, that photo is strangely disconcerting

  5. Dang, Pavlov's Cat beat me to it, so...

    If it's a good lay she's after, I'll sort her out.

  6. Mr Crocus11:26 am

    Don't look buk in anger?

  7. She like chickens.

    I've got something fowl in mind, which she's bound to like, then.
