Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Crisp Packet Anger

Manchester Evening News: Man awarded £3,500 after choking on rubber in crisp packet

He's got the X FACTOR!

Spotter's Badge: Charlotte, Maria, Smyth


  1. Presumably if there had somehow been the spare wheel from a LandRover in the bag he would have unthinkingly eaten that too and been awarded trillions. Numbnut.

    Darwin is coming for him...

  2. Huh? Why could a crisp manufacturer have a fake, rubber crisp in the bag? Surely any possible contaminant would be made of blue rubber. There's more here than meets the eye.
    Still, I'd be sure to use a rubber if I was BBQing some beef curtains with that chap.

  3. Or was it an accidental release of Walkers new (hats off to Willy Wonka) and experimental "Everlasting Crisp" , ideal for recession hit snack-grazers.

  4. Matthew Hurst9:32 am

    It was Walkers attempt to evoke Darwin as Owl Wood says...

  5. RobinofLocksley10:05 am

    Is that George Galloway?
