Saturday, December 03, 2011

Porny presents anger

Lancashire Evening Post: Mum shocked to find pornography on suspiciously cheap computers

I'd show her the contents of my hard drive

Spotter's Badge: Iain


  1. "I clicked on the ‘e-books’ one and lots of porn came on the screen, with explicit images. I just couldn’t believe it."

    To be fair, I've never found any believable porn either. I've had loads of detentions, and a busty female teacher's never bent over my desk and fiddled with my cock.

  2. She's made an effort for her picture in the paper, which is nice to see.

    I'd make an effort for her too.
    ...& then, ten minutes later, when I'd got my breath back, I'd make another effort.
    (shameless Cheggering from Blackadder)

  3. I'd let her see what's in my laptop.

  4. Anonymous8:06 pm

    and whilst she seeths with anger, what is the lad doing with his left hand?
