Monday, November 07, 2011

School lights anger

Cambridge News: Woman drives 50 miles to escape lights left on at school. Really.

That's not the school lights love. It's the moon.

Spotter's Badge: Studley


  1. I'd put a paper bag over her head. Or black polythene.

  2. I bet her husband wishes those lights would go out too.

  3. Anonymous3:34 pm

    I'd love to wake up to her full moon every day!

  4. Twenty_Rothmans11:19 am

    Tricia Andrews, of Mortlock Avenue, East Chesterton, Cambridge, has had difficulty nodding off at night
    ... causing Tricia to look for peace in her caravan in Heacham.

    Tricia, who works for Cambridgeshire County Council at Shire Hall as a traveller liaison officer

    With a worthless, useless 'job' like that I am unsurprised that she has trouble sleeping at night.

    I weed a little in my pants to learn that she found solace sleeping in her caravan. Busman's holiday?

    Don't forget the cable ties.

  5. Someone please tell the mardy tubster that spending less on PIES & more on a blackout blind might solve the problem.

    I'm all about the sympathy...
