Monday, November 21, 2011

Post office anger

East Anglia Daily Times: Fury as Post Office closes during the afternoon

Note that amongst the formation fury, there is at least one person who does not give a shit


  1. juice8:19 am

    Random passer-by in photo? Awesome work by the snapper for not noticing that...

  2. Maggsy9:22 am

    This is surely proof, if it were needed, that local newspaper photographers do a valuable job & should not be replaced by reporters with cameras.
    If it was taken by a local newspaper photographer.. be ashamed, be very ashamed!

  3. There's a couple of ladies there whom I'd like to show the advantages of early closing to by stuffing their boxes full.

  4. Besides which, it's not a real Post Office at all. It says quite plainly above the door, it's a virtual Post Office.

  5. They've clearly been mistaking it for an off-licence.

  6. I could help a couple of the women in that pic pass the hours, but only one at a time.

    ..."Trollop number one please"
