Monday, October 10, 2011

Small house anger

Falkirk Herald: Council mistake means family stuck in small house

I cannot comment on this story without getting a bit Daily Mail. So I won't

However, I'd...


  1. Well hopefully her sleeping on her own will prevent any further overcrowding. As would keeping her ankles touching when she goes to bed.
    Having said that... would.

  2. isolator421:32 pm

    Daily Mail? Sod that, she needs spaying & get him the snip while you're at it.
    Although it's all rather shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted...

  3. Anonymous8:09 pm

    The kiddy second from the right already has his dad's stomach and hairline.

  4. Twenty_Rothmans10:06 pm

    "Lazy ginger twat invents machine to create still more lazy ginger twats - only it is developing defects and needs a bigger facility"
