I note that 'comments are closed' in the online paper and I think I know why, though firstly I can only say 'KAYLEM"! 'KAYLEM'! What sort of name is that? Secondly why go to a newspaper? Anyone else would get their arse in gear and apply for a replacement one ASAP and go, in person, to the nearest passport office! If you can't look after one of the most important personal documents well.....[exasperated sigh]!
I note that 'comments are closed' in the online paper and I think I know why, though firstly I can only say 'KAYLEM"! 'KAYLEM'! What sort of name is that? Secondly why go to a newspaper? Anyone else would get their arse in gear and apply for a replacement one ASAP and go, in person, to the nearest passport office! If you can't look after one of the most important personal documents well.....[exasperated sigh]!