Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Closed footpath anger

Stourbridge News: Ramblers angry as local landowner closes footpath

I encourage you to click through and read the marvellously bonkers comment at the end of the original item. (Read it in a Stephen Fry / General Melchett voice for the full effect)

Spotter's Badge: Tim

Relocation anger

Edinburgh Evening News: Woman refuses to move out of doomed tower block over council's valuation

I'll give you five quid for the pile of old bricks, now clear off

Spotter's Badge: Caroline

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Charity shop anger

This is Kent: Charity shop accused of dumping customer donations

"I'd show her a couple of large sacks round behind the bins"

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Tarmac anger

Edinburgh Evening News: Anger over plans to tarmac over grass area

As you can see, the grassy area in question looks well used as a football pitch

Spotter's Badge: Caroline

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pregnant pothole anger

Sunderland Echo: Safety plea after pregnant mum's pothole fall

Something something sexist potholes something sort it out the council

Late night licence anger

Yorkshire Evening Post: Row over club's plans to stay open until 4am

Now, that's one glum councillor

Spotter's Badge: Paul

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Sunderland Echo: Family's fury over death trap holiday room

The "Angry, yet caught in the headlights" look

Closed pub anger

Pendle Today: Councillor's anger over closure of local pub

A mystery: If the pub is closed, WHERE DID HE GET THAT PINT?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Genuinely scary HOLIDAY HELL anger revisited

We ran this story earlier this week.

Here they are with a fez.

Coleraine Chronicle: Holiday from Hell pair point at a fez

Spotter's Badge: John

Local jungle anger

Wolverhampton Express and Star: Impotent fury as no-one bothers cutting back undergrowth

If only there were people to do such a task...

Spotter's Badge: Carter Magna

Bad E-Fit

Corsham People: Police look out for scrote who assaulted woman

Chin by Desperate Dan, hair by MS Paint.

Don't have nightmares

Dating anger

Brighton Argus: Women's internet dating hell

And, of course, the comments are entirely sympathetic

Spotter's Badge: Dan, everybody else

Friday, August 26, 2011

Parking charge anger, special edition

Stroud News and Journal: Town united in anger over parking charges

Our Spotter (pictured, left) spills the bean on angry press photography:

"The snapper took loads of decent photos, then right at the end ...... "Oooh, just one more, can you all fold your arms and look angry". Really. I knew it was going to happen and even predicted it on a few forums I post on. I win!!!!!!!!!"

Spotter's Badge First Class and Oak Leaves: Jon

Resurfaced road anger

Sheffield Star: Anger as council resurface entire road, except for tiny bit outside local woman's home

And the commantards display the usual level of compassion and islamophobia. Lovely.

Spotter's Badge: TRT

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Biscuit anger

Oxford Mail: Fury as tea and biscuits axed from council meetings

You know what this means: BRING YOUR OWN VODKA

Spotter's Badge: Dave

Wheelie bin anger

Manchester Evening News: Residents win fight to get wheelie bin back

I wouldn't dump my load in their back passage

Spotter's Badge: Scott, Maria

Genuinely scary HOLIDAY HELL anger

Coleraine Times: Pair suffer 'Midnight Express' holiday hell in Turkey

1. Read story

2. Repeat after me: "Holy Crap!"

3. Cancel holiday to Turkey

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Phone fail anger

This is Gloucestershire: Former BT man frustrated over lack of phone service

He should see a doctor about that huge hand, too

Spotter's Badge: Martin

Broken car anger

Reading Evening Post: Driver demands £400 for pothole damage

Yeah, I can see your problem, mate. It's a Renault

Phone scam anger

Dorset Echo: Pensioners warned over fake 'Microsoft help desk' phone scam

HINT: When the so-called "Microsoft Technical Department" call, say these words for the win: "I've got an Apple. Your move."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

School anger

Shields Gazette: New school site angers residents

Superb example of "Angry spokesperson holding a piece of paper, whilst lesser angry people sulk in the background, some of whom are also holding pieces of paper, which you cannot read"

Drunken vandalism anger

Blackpool Gazette: Call for tighter licensing as drunks run amok

"I'd drunkenly vandalise their signs"

Whatever that means

Facebook anger

This is Lincolnshire: Dad's anger as son's sports day photos appear on Facebook

And now he's on Angry People in Local Newspapers. Irony, eh?

Spotter's Badge: One-armed Freddy

Monday, August 22, 2011

Manhole anger

This is Kent: Anger as officer refuse to help stranded pregnant mother

And worth clicking through to see no less than five near identical shots of a man pointing

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Stately home anger

Yorkshire Evening Post: Farming couple's anger over stately home's plans to turn fields into something horsey

I'd do something that'll leave her eyes screwed up, or something.

Spotter's Badge: Paul

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Stolen bike anger

Edinburgh Evening News: Police sell man stolen bike, then take it back

So, about this whole "handling stolen goods" business..

Spotter's Badge: Caroline

Littering anger

Kent Online: Magician warned about 'littering' in street performance

Sorry, mate, I had the Queen of Spades.

Spotter's Badge: Tim

Stolen gnome anger

This is Gloucestershire: Anger as garden ornaments are stolen

They'll come back. They're gnome-ads.

Spotter's badge: Martin

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Low quality cardboard protest anger

Dorset Echo: Protest as family evicted from flats

What do we want? Better quality cardboard! When do we want it?

And yes, we have had these people before

Park anger

Hartlepool Mail: Anger over local park plans

I think you'll find that's a map of the United States. Try again, Monkey Hangers!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Playground Vandalism Anger

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Pub threat anger

Beverley People: Popular pub landlord threatened with loss of licence

Is that him out of Hale and Pace? Hale. Or Pace.

Spotter's Badge: TRT

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Double whammy planning anger

Barnet Press: Protesters angry as council fails to hear objections to planning schemes

"I'd force through my plans without prior discussion"

Spotter's Badge: Kat

Prank anger

Cambridge News: Fury as boy threatened with criminal record over prank

And I quote: "The police should buck up their ideas and focus on the real criminals out there. What a total waste of their time and our taxpayers’ money."

Spotter's Badge: Mark

Flooded street anger

Central Coast Express Advocate: Woy Woy residents fed up with flooded streets

Comedy FACT: Spike Milligan used to live in Woy Woy

*distant splash* "He's fallen in the water"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Naked man with horse (not pictured) anger

Bexley News Shopper: Grandmother disguted after seeing naked man with horse (not pictured)

That Daniel Radcliffe - he's taken his Equus role so, so seriously

Spotter's Badge: James

Rubbish anger

Oxford Mail: Gardener banned from taking wheelbarrow to rubbish tip

You know, there's just some days you can't get rid of a body.

Said too much

Death trap road anger

Warrnambool Standard: Local man's anger at dangerous road

That's not a man, it's a cardboard cut-out wheeled from location-to-location.

Spotter's Badge: Rhett