Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wind turbine anger

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Mansion owner worried his house value will suffer if wind farm given the go-ahead

I think I speak for a great many people when I say: "Fuck the fuck off"

Spotter's Badge: Mark


  1. Well, he can generate his own electricity by BURNING MONEY.


  2. Anonymous6:00 am

    On behalf of the aristocrats why do you not show proper respect to the natural leaders of this country.
    Or I will set the dogs on you.

  3. Yes, you speak for me.

  4. Anonymous12:14 pm

    You sound a little eco-mentalist to me.
    Wind turbines are fucking useless at generating any kind of reliable supply and cost an even bigger subsidised fortunate per megawatt. Plus you need to have a decent standby supply such as coal or nuke anyway.
