Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Load of BO11 LUX anger

Sheffield Star: Man told to remove 'offensive' number plate by DVLA... who sold it to him in the first place

Still, as long as they leave my car - J1 HAD - alone, I don't care


  1. What a TO55 ERR

  2. isolator4211:18 am

    What a LO05 ERR

  3. Anonymous6:59 pm

    Ok, who can explain what BO11 LUX is????

  4. I was wondering what the offense of BOII LUX was - something to do with spelling 'boy' like that. I think it's supposed to stand for 'bollocks'. Poor effort, and even funnier that he has to get rid of it!

  5. Prospect Parkour11:04 pm

    That looks like a classic example of journos stitching-up their subject without him even realising it. Everything about that photo says "this man has sex with his car on a regular basis" and yet he obviously thinks that he's on to a winner here. You've been had mate. Even more than your Overfinch.

  6. Am I too late to add F4TC11NT?
