Thursday, June 10, 2010

Catford Killer Crow anger

Bexley News Shopper: Catford's killer crow tastes human flesh - THE WAR HAS BEGUN

Where are the all the killer foxes when you need them?

(And kudos to the reporters and photographers at the News Shopper - this is the best local story I've seen for ages)


  1. I reckon he/she just isn't used to seeing a big pecker coming towards him/her.

    Truly a magnificent effort by the reporter, though. Including the staged re-enactment of the event in Strictly Come Dancing mode as well. If a picture paints a thousand words...

  2. She is clearly "one of life's characters", isn't she.

  3. Anonymous3:55 pm

    Love the claim in the readers posts that Edna Lunt was formerly an attention seeking bloke called Edward Blunt. A true pecker mystery!

  4. Martin12:50 pm

    Great story! But maybe she got the sequence of events the wrong way round and had the brandy before she fell off the chair and then into the flower bed! I love her 'sensible' shoes with the sprained ankle!
    What a Lunt!

  5. This is amazing. I hope she frames the article in her home.
