Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Bell theft anger

Barnet Today: Museum staff irate after antique bells are stolen

Bloody hell - this story's written by Nick Griffin!

Obviously not THAT Nick Griffin, otherwise he'd be blaming "non-idiginous citizens" or something.

Spotter's Badge: Dave


  1. So where are the antique bells then?

  2. Anonymous3:23 pm

    Err, they have been STOLEN!

  3. Anon, the rules are, the angry people should be pointing at where they were, i.e. an empty cabinet, a load of ropes with frayed ends etc.

  4. Anonymous7:43 pm

    She has her hands on the now empty frame that held the bells outside the museum. The bells were non functioning so no ropes etc. The photo is taken through the metal frame, showing the nails which secured the missing wooden support.
