Oxford Times: Anger over wind turbine plans
"We're all for this kind of thing, but not anywhere near where I live"
Six thousand years ago, the residents of ancient Egypt said much the same thing when the planning applications went in for the new pyramids. To their credit, they stopped complaining once their kneecaps were nailed together.
Spotter: Sarah Radford
Once again, a chance to wonder how the O Mail would've run the story with residents of "the Leys".
Readers' Comments: "jelow", Tues 10/11/09 - "I live in Reading, and everytime I pass the wind turbine I feel a great sense of pride"
Leaving aside whether "jelow" meant to write "turbine". just what is it about Reading...city(not yet) of the damned???
No - the people of Reading are still attached to the town's fabled (and sadly extinct) Whitley Whiff. Every time they guff, tears well up in their eyes.