Friday, November 06, 2009

Badly-photoshopped anger

Basildon Echo: Canvey residents threatened by gangs of yobs

Pity the poor Basildon Echo photographer. Sent out to the local warzone, comes back with a superb shot of scowling local heavies without so much of a penny in danger money and what's his reward? The picture editor cocking up the photo aspect ratio.

Force the local ASBO fodder to go out in that jumper - that'll soon sort 'em out.

Spotter: Bruce


  1. Look at a) the comments to see, once again, that readers are ahead of their representatives and media in knowing what's happening in their area and b) the BE's "Homes" site for places in Canvey Island - don't all rush!

  2. It's not the aspect ratio, it's the fact that the photographer stupidly (in my opinion) shot them with an extremely wide angle lens from up close, causing massive distortion. I'd say it looks like around 16-18mm on a full frame camera.

  3. Anonymous12:04 pm

    The extreme wide-angle distortion is a feature of local press photography, much of which is done on the 16-35mm Canon lens. I actually was once sent on a training day with a work-a-day 'tog where this technique was lauded to add interest to dull subject matter. To me it is just just a naff local press look.
