Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Angry, armed and dangerous

Portsmouth News: Yobs use antique axes to smash history village

And now these axes are back in the hands of their rightful owner, and God, he's pissed off.


  1. Notice the occurrence of a couple of old friends: a) "devastating" and b) "mindless vandalism". As grieving relatives are routinely described as "devastated" this use devalues that word even more and there is nothing "mindless" about this kind of vandalism -"calculated vandalism" anybody?

    BTW, I think Mr Roberts would have held that axe in a slightly different way had he known that that photograph would appear in the PN and subsequently be commented on by degenerates like, er, me.

  2. Anonymous8:34 am

    you know he's thinking, "look at my massive chopper!", right?
