Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bad e-fit

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Have you seen this man?

Outside of a zombie film, obviously.

Don't have nightmares.

Wrong soil anger

Manchester Evening News: Allotment owners say nothing will grow in the soil dumped on their plots

The council - in their defence - said they got a remarkably good deal for the stuff, imported from Fukushima.

Spotter's Badge: Charlotte

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Bike theft anger

Wolverhampton Express and Star: Man sick of having his bike stolen

"I asked a city centre warden where the safest place to leave my bike would be and he said 'at home'."

Spotter's Badge: Oh, wait. Me.

Give my dog back anger

Norwich Evening News: Man can't afford £300 to pay dog wardens to get his dog back

1. Dress up in a zip-up dog suit
2. Hang around Norwich City Centre until dog wardens pick you up
3. Bingo! You're in!
4. Grab your dog, escape.

Spotter's Badge: Dave

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Parking survey anger

Oxford Mail: Delay to parking survey

In case you were wondering what Jimmy Nail's up to these days

Spotter's Badge: Richard

Monday, April 27, 2015

No street lights anger

Cambridge News: Residents left with no street lights for weeks

I was about to dismiss this as a standard crowd scene, but what the devil is the chap with the waistcoat wearing? Apart from the waistcoat, obviously.

Spotter's Badge: Kate

Stolen caravan anger

Sunshine Coast Daily: Man's caravan stolen

Now all he has is one old photo, and sweet, sweet memories

Vandalised playground anger

Bolton News: Yobs' rampage leads to small girl's sadface

A true natural in the art of newspaper sadface.

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Stolen turf anger

Wyndham Leader: Football pitch stolen on eve of new season

They've obviously mixed with the wrong person.

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Bus cuts anger

Fleet News and Mail: Campaign to save bus routes

The end game of bus route privatisation - the commercial monopoly putting profits before people. My name's Ben Elton etc etc

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dog poo anger double bill

Henley Standard: Angry dog poo bloke


Western Telegraph: Angry dog poo blokes

Sad that only one of the Chuckle Brothers managed to show up.

Good turn parking ticket anger

Bournemouth Echo: Driver pulls over to help pensioner who had a fall, gets a parking ticket

Well done, kid. Well done, traffic warden, and why isn't there punctuation to imply sarcasm?

Gas meter anger

Brentwood Gazette: Man forced to climb out of window to top up his gas meter

Top quality pointing. We might have missed it otherwise (and we hope the photographer had to climb out of the window to get the picture)

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Friday, April 24, 2015

Childcare centre anger

Sunshine Coast Daily: Residents furious over plans to build 150-place day care centre

...right in the middle of the heritage site that is the 'I'm A Celebrity...' camp, it seems.

Spotter's Badge: Rob J

Streetlight replacement anger

Bath Chronicle: Residents not too keen on new LED streetlights

"They are also worried about the increase of light pollution in the city and health problems connected to the LED lights, including lower melatonin levels."

What the what now?

Spotter's Badge: Saki

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Noisy library NIMBY anger

Edmonton Journal: Neighbours don't like the idea of a library opposite their homes, and who can blame them?

"But Joanne Groot worries the facility will bring noise, traffic and troublemakers into what she says is a peaceful community."

I believe she's got the word "library" mixed up with "ninja training school for mad criminal genius sidekicks". Easy mistake to make.

Spotter's Badge: Cailynn

Snappy Tory-hating dog anger

Bromley News Shopper: Dog bites politician

Wait... you called an ambulance for a minor injury? No matter what your party - bad councillor.

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Narrow road anger

Eastern Daily Press: Locals upset about the amount of traffic parking outside hospital

Yeah, stupid ill people.

And while we're here, let's see him facing the other direction, because the internet is magic.


Spotter's Badge: Dave

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Parking court case anger

Portsmouth News: Man who didn't read the sign properly is shocked - SHOCKED - to be taken to court for refusing to pay parking fine

And let's go the extra mile and take a look at the sign he didn't read. Surely it's tiny.


Spotter's Badge: Jonathan

Bike theft anger

Portsmouth News: Spate of bike thefts on the south coast

We don't see nearly enough glum faces on these pages. Fixed.

Spotter's Badge: Jonathan

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Brick thrown at car anger

Kent Online: Driver 'lucky to be alive' after brick thrown at car window

From the comments: "Blimey, the years have not been kind to Rick Parfitt have they?" 

Spotter's Badge: Neil

Flag pole anger

Bromley News Shopper: Ex-copper told he can't have two flagpoles in his garden

It's all about planning rules, but this has the Far Right spitting nails. Mainly because they're arseholes. My name's Ben Elton, goodnight.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Stoned dog anger

Bournemouth Echo: Warning as dog gets off its face on cannabis

Not entirely sure what the random box of fire lighters has to do with this, but everybody's clearly very happy.

Paving stone theft anger

Lancashire Telegraph: Fury over theft of paving slabs

An object lesson in quality angry person posing, from the place with the most northern name, ever.

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Toilet demolition anger

York Press: Area man furious that public toilets are to be demolished

Look fella - what do you think empty one-litre milk containers are for?

Roadworks CHAOS anger

Dover Express: Woman predicts CHAOS as roadworks start down her road

It's a rare photographic skill to turn the standard angry person into a ball of anger and rage. This is somebody's granny, but on this evidence you're certain she could kill and not bat an eyelid.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

UKIP General Election anger

Oxford Mail: UKIP official claims offensive Facebook posts are fake

And who are we to disbelieve him? (This is my cop-out comment. There's an election on)

While we're here...

Northampton Chronicle: Candidate quits party after colleague turns out to be an enormous racist

He's from the 'lovable eccentric' fringe of the party, no doubt.

Spotter's Badge: Mike

And it goes on...

Southern Daily Echo: Waaaargh! Who broke my lovely, lovely sign?

Yep, it's sign-smashing season.

Spotter's Badge: Chnnyhill


Still sign-smashing season. Stop smashing signs, people.

Spotter's Badge: Neil

Nightclub bouncer anger

NT News: Man denied entry to night club because of his purple shoes

That's his sister, by the way, who DID get in, despite wearing leopard-skin flip-flops.

Narrow road anger

Hull Daily Mail: 'When we all park in the road, the road's not wide enough'

Well... err... Nice tape measure work.

Spotter's Badge: Ian

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Non-stick car parking ticket anger

Portsmouth News: First trip out with new baby results in £400 parking fine

They are guilty of the worst crime imaginable, according to one commenter, of being "attention seekers". As a fan of irony, I voted that comment down, as he's clearly an attention seeker.

Spotter's Badge: Jonathan

Friday, April 17, 2015

Boundary dispute anger

Bournemouth Echo: Long-running dispute over a gate ends up in court

There's nothing like falling out with your neighbours to make people behave like total maniacs, as this case proves.

Didn't get planning permission anger

South Wales Evening Post: Hairdressing salon forced to move after failing to get planning permission

Look at the anger in those eyes. Some pencil-necked desk-jockey is going to get theirs.