Saturday, May 31, 2014

Fuel theft anger

Border Mail: Anger over spate of petrol siphoning thefts

And no, she'll never get the baby in the tank

Spotter's Badge: Meredith

Derelict site anger

Portsmouth News: Residents demand action on old pub site

Runner-up in the Annual Fred Dinenage lookalike competition on the right, there.

Spotter's Badge: Jonathan

Friday, May 30, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Streetlights not angry at all

Hull Daily Mail: Pair delighted over new LED street lamps

Absolutely beaming, the pair of them

Spotter's Badge: Ian

Sewage anger Raw sewage running through bloke's garden

Like the legendary Wembley River of Piss, only in New Zealand

Spotter's Badge: Pia

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sweetcorn with added meat anger

Coventry Telegraph: Mum finds caterpillar in tin of Happy Shopper sweetcorn

I suppose that makes her - oh-ho! - an UNHappy Shopper!!!!11111

OK, I'll stop.

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Cinema baby anger

Cambridge News: Mum finds she can't take 11-week-old baby to see 15-Certificate film

Or, to headline it another way: Cinema enforces the law

Spotter's Badge: Mark

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Budget cut anger

Times Colonist: Bloke upset with budget cuts

...and he's not afraid who knows.

Spotter's Badge: Rob J

No drainage anger

Watford Observer: Extremely tall couple say they 'have to cross a lake' to get to their house

Of course, the minute the inch-high photographer shows up, there's not a drop to be seen.

Spotter's Badge: TRT

Planning delay anger

Essex Echo: Bloke blames council for delay in getting approval on his house

That's a proper death stare from a man who has had enough with petty officialdom.

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Monday, May 26, 2014

Broken headstones anger

Burnley Express: Anger as old gravestones dumped behind wall

I was sharing her fury until the "all these stones could be 100% recycled", which tipped my WTF-meter, to be honest

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Mould invasion anger

Bridgwater Mercury: Tennant says mould taking over her home

That is - indeed - a supremely mouldy house

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Smashed-up playground anger

South Wales Evening Post: Yobs smash up play equipment

Miss Pink, in the playground, with the lead pipe.

Spotter's Badge: Paul

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Army Cadet anger

Western Morning News: Kid banned from cadet force activities because of peanut allergy

Just a *tad* of an over-reaction, eh. Army Cadets?

Spotter's Badge: Matt in Vietnam

Dust and noise anger

Queenland Times: Complaints about local industrial unit

...through the medium of 1990s acid house music.

Spotter's Badge: Rob W

Tesco bus stop anger

Edinburgh Evening News: Pensioners vow to boycott Tesco over state of bus stop

...through the medium of song

Spotter's Badge: Ally

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Council house pig anger

Leicester Mercury: Woman told she can't keep a pig in her council house

Disguise it as a very ugly dog, all sorted

Spotter's Badge: Carolyn

Stolen Invention Anger

Sunshine Coast Daily: 'Prolific letter writer' claims Apple stole his idea which a little digging by a commenter finds Apple filed a patent six years ago.

Spotter's Badge: Rob J

Friday, May 23, 2014

Disappearing chickens anger

Hull Daily Mail: Kids upset as school chickens go missing

I sometime wonder why schools get chickens. Maybe it's to teach the kids about the inevitability of death that goes with the entire enterprise. Certainly worked for me - the one take-home lesson I got from our school's chickens was this: "They will be eaten by foxes".

They were eaten by foxes.

Spotter's Badge: Ian

Rain stopped play anger

Llanelli Star: Floods mean cricket season over before it even begins

Nonsense, that'll take spin like a good'un.

Spotter's Badge: Rob J

Even more sea wall anger

Essex Echo: Shoebury sea wall campaigners take their argument to parliament

And they only need another 99,500 signatures.

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hand shandy anger

Sunshine Coast Daily: Woman upset at bloke pleasuring himself in sand dunes

"I was instantly moved to feelings of violence towards another human being," Ms Hindley said. "Had I not had my puppy with me, I know I would have allowed my primal instincts to take over and beaten this lowlife black and blue."

Spotter's Badge: Rob J

Got no stile anger

Westmoreland Gazette: Anger as historic stile is demolished

That's nothing, I just saw a dog with two heads.

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Patient transport anger

Essex Chronicle: Privatised ambulance service 'not very good'

In which the passage of time is illustrated through the medium of pointing at a watch.

Spotter's Badge: Lee, Barry

Noisy manhole cover anger

Manchester Evening News: Woman driven round the bend by noise from broken utility cover

She looks fit to kill. Just fix it before somebody gets hurt.

Spotter's Badge: Karen, Charlotte

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Planning application anger

Derby Telegraph: Residents don't like the idea of new homes nearby

All going off in the comments, but I included this one for this chap's pinched look and  nice scarf.

Hospital closure anger

North Wales Daily Post: Anger over loss of hospital beds

An object lesson in shoddy sign-making

Spotter's Badge: Dean

Monday, May 19, 2014

Broken fence anger

Barking and Dagenham Post: Nobody wants to pay for blown-over fence

Wouldn't like to meet this pair on a dark night

Spotter's Badge: IanVisits

Inconveniently timed death anger

Croydon Guardian: Man died 'too recently' to get a road named after him

Excellent quality bewilderment shown by both parties

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Parking ban anger

Essex Echo: No more parking at popular seaside spot

A challenge! See if you can spot the comment from the local UKIP activist.

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fancy dress anger

North Wales Daily Post: Appeal as Toy Story costumes go missing

Just don't make her angry. She turns into the ... oh.

Spotter's Badge: Hannah

Watford Business Park anger

Watford Observer: Very small photographer sent to see what the fuss it about with these new yellow lines

And top quality arms folding and pointing for those involved.

Spotter's Badge: TRT

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cricket pitch anger

Bournemouth Echo: Fury as vandals make a bit of a mess of the outfield

An experiment! With commenters calling for the birch and the stocks for the culprits, I ask them how far they are prepared to go with punishment. Lop off a limb? Death?

Answer: Death it is, then.

Like the Somme Hyperbole Anger

Essex Echo: New housing development 'like the Battle of the Somme'

SPOILER ALERT: It's not like the Battle of the Somme

Spotter's Badge: Barry

More school vandals anger

Basingstoke Gazette: Vandals wreck infant school's play equipment

Despite DONE A POO pose, this pair entirely innocent

Friday, May 16, 2014

Road to nowhere anger

Brentwood Gazette: People keep getting lost after signpost collapses

A study in "I'm sick of these melon-farming people getting lost in my melon-farming village"

Spotter's Badge: Barry

High kerb anger

South Wales Evening Post: Fury over high kerb outside hairdresser's shop

Feel that pent-up rage. Feel it.

Spotter's Badge: Paul

Thursday, May 15, 2014

School vandals anger

Essex Chronicle: Fury as school conservation area wrecked by vandals

Highlight: The girl in the middle giving the skunk eye

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Quavers plastic anger

Lancashire Telegraph: Spiggy out of the Manic Street Preachers (I think) finds some plastic in a packet of Quavers

And of course, all the perfect parents in the comments call him out for feeding them to his nipper.

Spotter's Badge: Karen

No sandals anger

NT News: World shortage of open-toed sandals hits Australia HARD

Won't anybody think of those poorly-shod Aussies?

Spotter's Badge: Les

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cut down trees anger

Reading Post: Council cuts down trees shielding houses from road

Local knowledge: That's the main route out of town. Well done.

Bus stop anger

Lancashire Telegraph: Man gets ticket for parking in disused bus stop

But as our spotter points out, the old markings are still in force. Whoops!

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Unpaid tolls anger

Brisbane Courier Mail: Woman hit by $2,000 road toll bill

I have no idea what's going on here, and I never will

Spotter's Badge: Laurence

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

More housing plans anger

Watford Observer: People suggest Lego alternative to housing plans

"The Observer's coming, I'll wear me best vest"

Spotter's Badge: TRT