Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rubbish mountain anger

Wolverhampton Express and Star: Fury as rubbish dumped on traffic island

Keep it there. Let it grow. Put flashing lights on it at Christmas. Charge people to come and wonder.

Spotter's Badge: Gordy

Allotment charge anger

Richmond and Twickenham Times: Gardeners plot action over increase in allotment fees

That's the council's head of finance disappearing under a row of runner beans, there.

Spotter's Badge: Gareth

Stolen bouncy castle anger

Hull Daily Mail: Kids upset as play equipment stolen

With a picture of what no bouncy castles might look like

Spotter's Badge: Lowey

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Potholed road anger

Essex Chronicle: Is this the worst road in Essex?

Superb crouch-and-point combined with crowd scenes. Well done.

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Parking fine anger

Wirral Globe: Family fury over parking ticket

And that's by far the angriest baby we've ever had on this site

Spotter's Badge: SalCross

Electric car anger

Malvern Gazette: Councillor angry as electric car points not being used

Go on... guess which party he's from.

WRONG! He's a Lib Dem

Spotter's Badge: Bozza

Monday, April 28, 2014

Caught speeding anger

West Sussex County Times: Man who was caught speeding is angry that he was caught speeding

PRO-TIP: Get a yellow day-glo tabard and a hair dryer, go stand by the side of the road.

PRO-TIP No.2: Before doing the hair dryer stunt, ask the police first

Spotter's Badge: Skuds

Noisy cock anger

Portsmouth News: Woman taken to court over loud crowing

And the comments come down heavily on the side of the cockerel

Spotter's Badge: Jonathan

Closed toilets anger

Cairns Post: Man loses all dignity after shopping centre closes toilets

Dignity he has completely restored by posing with a necklace of toilet rolls. All he needs to complete the job is an appearance in the local paper admitting to... oh, never mind.

Spotter's Badge: Rob J

Cough sweets anger

Worcester News: Eight-year-old boy banned from taking cough sweets to school

I must say he looks quite a bit older than his age

Spotter's Badge: Bozza

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cake ban anger

Welwyn and Hatfield Times: Fury as hospice bans home-made cakes


Spotter's Badge: Rob J

UKIP green belt anger

Essex Echo: Ukippers oppose green belt plans

Nope, I don't know why Mr Gandy and his magic hat are holding up a piece of paper either

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Barber shop anger

Dorset Echo: Woman refused a haircut by barber shop

As far as I remember, there's a far better one just up the road

Spotter's Badge: Christina

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Too many taxis anger

Rugby Advertiser: Driver complains there are too many taxi drivers to make a decent living

If only he knew the photographer was coming, he would have dressed down a bit

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Head shop anger

Brentwood Gazette: The Man's got it in for my shop, man


Spotter's Badge: Barry

Flooded ramp anger

Lancashire Telegraph: Disabled ramp floods every time it rains

Hardly the Great Flood, is it?

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Friday, April 25, 2014

Huge cracks anger

Bath Chronicle: Damaged road taking ages to repair


Spotter's Badge: Wheelie_Bin

Rivers of poo anger

Watford Observer: Street swamped with turds for third time this year

When life sends you turds, made turd-ade

Spotter's Badge: TRT

Something about parking anger

Brentwood Gazette: I have no idea what's happening here

...but Henry's illegally parked

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Gramophone anger

Wolverhampton Express and Star: Gramophone stolen from record store

This story fell through a timewarp from the year 1937.

Spotter's Badge: Nick

Doesn't want a new bin anger

Toowoomba Chronicle: Alf doesn't want a new bin

This story's from 2005. It would be ace if ALf's bin is still there, untouched.

Spotter's Badge: Chris

Overgrown tree anger

Kingston Guardian: Pensioner threatened with eviction over tree

Your caring, sharing council at work.

Spotter's Badge: David

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

St George's Day Anger

Kent Online: Pub blasted for having Union flags instead of St George's crosses on 23rd April

I expect this to be in the Mail by tomorrow, with an unfunny "You couldn't make it up" column by Richard Littlejohn by the end of the week. Mark my words


Spotter's Badge: Rob

No electric anger

Fleet News and Mail: No electric car charging points at station car park

They haven't even finished building it yet. Talk about premature fury

Bad e-fit

Brighouse Echo: Badly pixellated man does bad things

He appears to have escape from a computer game in the mid-80s

Don't have nightmares

Spotter's Badge: Ross

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Housing estate anger

Lancashire Evening Post: Bloke getting 'hammered with filth'

Superb pose, straight from the Littlewoods catalogue

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Missed fight anger

South Wales Evening Post: Pair miss boxing bout due to airline strike

Look, Lufthansa, just give him his money back and there'll be nothing more said.

Spotter's Badge: Dean

Train seats anger

Sevenoaks Chronicle: Not enough seats on commuter trains

Can't help thinking of that book - Fifty Shades of Beige.

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Monday, April 21, 2014

Railway fence anger

Essex Echo: Mum's four year wait for Network Rail to repair her fence

Never mind that, the kid's a bit young to be smoking, isn't he?

Spotter's Badge: Barry

School places anger

Richmond and Twickenham Times: 'No chance' of new school opening this year

And a week later...

Richmond and Twickenham Times: Still hanging around complaining about school places

I refuse to believe these pictures were taken on the same day.

Spotter's Badge: John R

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Parking zones anger

Bristol Post: Traders march against proposed parking plans

Note the mother of all traffic jams behind them, every man jack now supporting the council's plans

Spotter's Badge: Rob A

Changing rooms anger

South Wales Evening Post: Bloke returns from Australia after decades away to find 'vandalised' sports changing rooms

That's not vandalism. All park changing rooms look like that.

Spotter's Badge: Paul

Rowdy parents anger

Hull Daily Mail: Kids' football team gives the red card to rubbish shouty parents

For any dad that's ever stood on the sidelines of an under-8s match screaming "BREAK HIS F---ING LEGS!", this means you.

Spotter's Badge: L0wey

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Noisy bins anger

Edinburgh Evening News: Residents complain about 'noisy' bin pick-ups

That's what you get when you dump your rubbish in Thunderbird Two.

Spotter's Badge: IanVisits

Green Bin Tax Anger

Gloucetershire Gazette Series: Only quarter of residents pay extra fee to have green bins emptied

The other three quarters - of course - are ramming the green waste at the bottom of their regular bins, because the council didn't think it through.

Spotter's Badge: Sarah

Remote control anger

Reading Post: Residents' remote control garage doors sometimes don't work

Mother of God. Those poor people.

Spotter's Badge: Graham, Simon

Friday, April 18, 2014

Missing dog poo bin anger

Llanelli Star: Anger as dog poo bin goes missing

Presumably because it was spoiling those wonderful views.

Spotter's Badge: Rob J

Expensive cabbage anger

Wolverhampton Express and Star: Woman charged £53 for cabbage

£2 compensation, which is more than generous. Next story please.

Badger sex anger

Brentwood Gazette: Mating badgers blamed for delay to road repairs

Imagine - if you will - that sweet, sweet badger love.

Spotter's Badge(r): Barry

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Graffiti spree anger

Melbourne Herald Sun: Street falls victim to graffiti artists

Shocking spelling, hope their punishment includes a return to school

Spotter's Badge: Rob J

Church yellow line anger

Harrow Times: Church-goers, local Ukipper upset by yellow line outside church

...where it turns out that if they'd read the consultation document, they would have found the restrictions are lifted for church services.

Spotter's Badge: Jules

Freezer theft anger

Lancashire Telegraph: Food stolen from woman's freezer

In other news, people keep their freezer in their shed.

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Stolen lingerie anger

Bexley News Shopper: Transgender woman has her best undies stolen

...and quite possbily all the rest of her clothes by the looks of things.

Spotter's Badge: Neil, Martin, Rob, Everybody

Note: Comments closed on this one to avoid offensive rubbish getting through.

Bus service anger

Swindon Advertiser: Hospital staff left stranded as bus service axed

From the comments: "If I had a £1 for everyone with folded arms in an Adver photo, I could retire to the sunshine."

Spotter's Badge: Zoe

Pedestrian street anger

Northampton Herald and Post: Campaign against plans to re-introduce vehicles into pedestrian area

This story comes with many excellent photos, but we choose a crusty chap with a statue growing out of his head.

Spotter's Badge: Mike

Stolen Decking anger

Bolton News: Thieves made off with pond platform

Turn it on its head. Now it's an adventure playground with a significant chance of death.

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Model aircraft anger

Lancashire Telegraph: Model aircraft enthusiast not allowed to fly his plane at local park

"A former Air Training Corps member, who helped pilot a Chipmunk in his youth"*

Spotter's Badge: Karen

*not sexy slang