Friday, January 31, 2014

Church vandals anger

Dorset Echo: Reverend Deb annoyed as yobs break church windows

An experiment! With the commenters baying for stocks and the birch, would they upvote a comment calling for Shari'ah Law?

Yes. Yes they would.

Destroyed daffodils anger

Teesside Gazette Live: Fury as daffodil display destroyed

You know where those stalks are going...

Spotter's Badge: Rob J

Dog poo pointy anger

Dundee Courier: People point in fury after dog mess episode

You rarely see pointing skills like this. Well played.

Spotter's Badge: Rob J

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tesco parking anger

Brentwood Gazette: Residents upset at lack of parking restrictions near Tesco store

Haven't seen hurredly-written campaign placards this shoddy for ages. Well played.

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Water works anger

Wokingham Times: Shopkeep blames waterworks for January sales slump

Also, all the water falling out of the sky

Spotter's Badge: Nowtas

Broken cooker anger

Winsford Guardian: Mum fears she will starve to death after cooker breaks

Gets a new cooker, disaster averted.

Spotter's Badge: Maria

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tree stump gender confusion anger

Glasgow Evening Times: Questions why 'trip hazard' tree stump hasn't been removed

The person in this photo is variously captioned Agnes McCrae and Angela McCrae. We're pretty certain he is neither.

Spotter's Badge: JohnBhoy

Stolen loo roll anger

Reading Evening Post: Lollipop man suspended over alleged thefts

"They've got no evidence, apart from the stuff I admitted to in the newspaper. DOH!"

Dog on the toilet anger

NT News: Woman's dog impounded while she was on the dunny

With a picture of what a dog and a toilet might look like

Spotter's Badge: Len

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Banned from the swimming pool anger

Border Mail: 'Overdressed' mum not allowed into swimming pool

Come over to England - we've got lovely cooling water falling from the sky

Spotter's Badge: Meredith

Rat infestation anger

Cambridge News: Residents angry over rat infestation

From a gallery depicting many stages of fury, I present this one without further comment

Spotter's Badge: Kate

Smelly town anger

Waikato Times: Town plagued by mystery smell

Somebody at the back looks like they know something.

Spotter's Badge: Len

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Worn out shoes anger

Yorkshire Evening Post: Dad's fury as son's shoes fall apart. Twice.


Spotter's Badge: Rob J

Traffic planners are all imbeciles anger

Essex Chronicle: Man designs flyover to solve town's traffic problems, is told it will fall over

Still, what do these so-called experts with their engineering qualifications know?

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Cracked bridge anger

Knutsford Guardian: Concern over crack in bridge

Oh, I lived near one just like that, and it hardly collapsed and killed loads of people at all

Spotter's Badge: Chris

Friday, January 24, 2014

Burger King anger

Lancashire Telegraph: Parents shocked by mouldy bun at fast food restaurant

Taking your kid to a Burger King? According to the commentard jury that makes you WORSE THAN HITLER

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Tells the right time twice a day anger

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Town hall clock to be repaired

And, at last, Councillor Pinnock will be allowed to go home after years of standing in the street telling people the right time.

Spotter's Badge: Count Otto Black

Dog food anger

Lancashire Telegraph: Man finds piece of plastic in dog food

Really messed up his breakfast, that did

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I'm delighted to announce that Angry People in Local Newspapers has been nominated in the competition to find the UK's funniest blog. Of course, it's a huge honour to be recognised for the second year in a row, and I could really use that top prize (not the tablet - the beer fund).

So! If you love this website and think I should be named the UK's funniest blog, skip along here and vote for me. As an added bonus, should I win, I will endeavour to make an appearance in the Fleet News and Mail pointing angrily at something.

If I don't win, I'll send Sausage Lady round your house.

Thank you for your support. I will wear it always.


Danger wall anger

Croydon Guardian: Crumbling wall 'could kill'

If you click through, you'll see she's got a point

Spotter's Badge: Christina

No sandbags anger

Watford Observer: Woman unable to get hold of sandbags at height of flood warnings

Like trying to buy a snow-shovel when it's snowing.

Spotter's Badge: TRT

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Damaged car anger

York Press: Daughter's car damaged

..and when he catches up with them, they'll pay. Oh, yes.

Spotter's Badge: JB

Swimming pool anger

Melbourne Age: Swimming pool forced to close during heatwave

That's a world-weary look for one so young

Spotter's Badge: Meredith

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Taxi vandalism anger

Portsmouth News: Taxi owner sick of vandalism

This is Al Murray in twenty years' time. Mark my words

Spotter's Badge: Jon

Shoddy speedbumps anger

Portsmouth News: Councillor furious after new speedbumps crumble within weeks

Textbook crouching-and-pointing. A tough pose to maintain in muddy conditions.

Spotter's Badge: Jon

Postal deliveries anger

South Wales Evening Post: Post deliveries suspended due to mud

Health and Safety Gone Mad KLAXON

Monday, January 20, 2014

God's wrath over equal marriage flooding anger

Henley Standard: UKIP councillor blames flooding on gay marriage (Link goes to story)

Something different to the usual. No angry people pointing at things, which may appear at a later date. Instead - because the Standard don't put their letters online, I've splashed out 80p on local journalism and bought the print copy for your delight.

First thing you notice is that Mr Silvester's letter isn't even the top letter - he's spirited away onto the second page of letters, and split over two columns. But what you get is local newspaper gold.

(Click to embiggen)

My favourite bit is the reference to the Coronation Oath, which, I will admit, is something that worries me every day.

Road crossing anger

Essex Echo: Head teacher's dismay at delay to crossing repairs

Perhaps the only school in the country to be named after a member of the Jesus and Mary Chain

Spotter's Badge: Barry

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Bypass speed limit anger

Aberdeen Evening Express: Mum gives up job as a scarecrow to campaign for lower speed limit

And the question everybody in the comments is asking: Why do you let you kids play at the side of the Aberdeen Bypass anyway?

Spotter's Badge: David

Bus timetable anger

Swindon Advertiser: Woman dislikes new bus timetable

Superb thumbs-down work, there

Spotter's Badge: Zoe

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sports ground anger

Melbourne Age: Sports grounds under threat

Once again, the Aussies lead the way in angry photography. Well done photographer Luis Ascui.

In fact, Mr Ascui is Chilean and he's a far better photographer than most of us can ever hope to be - check out his website)

Spotter's Badge: Jason

Shopping trolley yobs anger

Hull Daily Mail: Anger as vandals use shopping trolley to wreck fences

Never mind the fences - WHAT ABOUT THAT JUMPER?

(Also, an unfortunate shadow makes it looks as if she's wet herself)

Spotter's Badge: Andrew, L0wey

Sealife theft anger

Manly Daily: Anger at theft of protected sea slugs from beach

And it doesn't get more manly than that shot

Spotter's Badge: Gibberer

Friday, January 17, 2014

Australian history anger

Canberra Times: Vital maps 'deliberately' left out of history exhibition

The bit he's pointing to is the exact location of the England cricket team's first ever Australian humiliation. Vital indeed.

Spotter;s Badge: Markus

Charity bin theft anger

Falkirk Herald: Thieves help themselves to contents of clothes bank

He's actually six feet tall - it's a wonder anybody got any clothes in the bin in the first place

Spotter's Badge: Mr A. Findlay

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dog that looks exactly like a council official anger

Dorset Echo: Councillor angry that owners don't clear up after their dogs

Great that he's trained his pooch to do the job for himself

Spotter's Badge: Christina

Hole in the roof anger

Reading Post: Man demands housing association fix his roof over Christmas, in howling wind and rain, NOW

1. He didn't move from that very spot for two weeks

2. The housing association's reply is a gem (Essentially: "Bugger off")

3. I thought it high time we had an 'Angry Tenants' tag, for needy angry tenants who want everything on a plate.