Saturday, April 30, 2011

Consultation anger

Bellarine Independent: Campaigners angry over 'sham' consultation over new homes

"Stop and Think": Do not let yourself get talked into posing for a local newspaper in a position that makes you look like you've shat yourself

Spotter's Badge: Mark

Lions Club anger

Watford Observer: Angry bloke resigns from Watford Lions Club after letter of criticism

And there is nothing - nothing - more pitiful than men of a certain age acting out their petty problems in public. Also, it's quite funny.

Spotter's Badge: TRT

Cock anger

This is Wiltshire: Neighbour's anger at loud cockerels

Something something cock something

(And she gets a right old shoeing in the comments)

Electricity bill anger

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Booze buying anger

Weston Mercury: Dad refused booze in supermarket as 16-year-old daughter present

The store's "Think 25" policy refers - of course - to the IQ of their staff

Spotter's Badge: Nowtas


Hendon and Finchley Times: Pensioner in eight-month battle to repair overflowing drain

And what better way to celebrate the Royal Wedding than a triple bill of shit flowing down a London street?

Spotter's Badge: David

Sock in bin anger

Harrow Observer: Council refuse to empty bin after sock find

Yeah, about that. Anyone seen my sock? It's white. And ...err... crispy.

Spotter's Badge: TRT


Northampton Chronicle: Anger as Royal Wedding party is called off

Sod it, just have it anyway.

Spotter's Badge: Carol

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rabbit anger

Newbury Today: Ferrets called in to deal with sports field rabbits

I wouldn't bother. It'd end up just like Escape to Victory. Only with bunnies.

Spotter's Badge: Nowtas

Unhappy Meal Anger

Manchester Evening News: Driver's shock at £1400 bill after car crash in McDonalds car park

"I'd let her reverse into my pole"

Spotter's Badge: Maria

Red boiler suit pothole anger

Weston Mercury: Anger over shoddy pothole repairs

Remember: It's not the size of your tape measure, it's what you do with it

Spotter's Badge: Nowtas

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Car sale MILF anger

This is Sussex: Driver fumes as car is towed away and sold over £25 fine

Says our contributor: "I'd clamp her and tow her away!"

Spotter's Badge: Skuds

Shower anger

Blackpool Gazette: No end of shower misery for tenant

No end of misery, full stop.

Spotter's Badge: Ian

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Collapsing kitchen anger

Edinburgh Evening News: Student's horror after kitchen cabinet accident

"I'd something something kitchen cabinets something"

Spotter's Badge: Caroline

Civil Service cock-up anger

Liverpool Daily Post: Workers sacked on the spot after recruitment blunder

There's nothing quite so harsh as a civil servant covering their arse.

Spotter's Badge: Gert

Skate park anger

Lilydale and Yarra Valley Leader: Fury as council approves plans for skate park

What the picture doesn't show is that he's about to pull an epic 1080 on his own board

Spotter's Badge: Golsby

Monday, April 25, 2011

Benefits service anger

Oxford Mail: Fury as Oxford's benefits service slammed by watchdog

I shall never forget the humiliation on the day I once posed for a local newspaper photograph.

"Just a second," said the photographer, "While I put on a wide angle lens."


Spotter's Badge: Dave

Temporary building anger

Bath Chronicle: Family's anger at living next door to shanty town

I.... wouldn't erect a temporary structure in his back garden

Spotter's Badge: Robert

Sunday, April 24, 2011

School closure anger

Reading Evening Post: School closes despite parents' campaign

"Oh my God, Jocasta, we're going to have to send Tabitha to a COMPREHENSIVE"

Stolen guitar anger

Oxford Mail: Shopkeep's fury as thieves walk off with rare guitar

Still, you've got loads left over

Spotter's Badge: Suzanne

Surrounded by boxes anger

Northants Evening Telegraph: Woman loses flat after six years on waiting list

Never mind, there's always Cardboard City

Spotter's Badge: Victor

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Poor medical advice anger

Freemantle-Cockburn Gazette: Fury at discharges from cement plant

"Covering Cockburn in lime"? Isn't that just going to make it hurt even more?

Spotter's Badge: Kim

Car insurance anger

Manchester Evening News: Student quoted £33,000 to insure Vauxhall Corsa

Fair enough, he's going to cause no end of accidents driving around with just one arm

Spotter's Badge: Maria

Friday, April 22, 2011

Triathlon anger

Somewhere in Australia Guardian Express: Athlete's fury after cruise ship near-miss on triathlon swim

"I'd sail my cruise liner on her racing line"

Spotter's Badge: Kim

Bridge weight anger

Oxford Mail: Villagers worry about bridge weight limit

Couple more locals, and we'll soon sort that problem

Spotter's Badge: PJ

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pothole repair anger

Essex Echo: Dismay as council bodgers paint white line over pothole

Don't stand there too long, mate. They'll paint a line on you!!!11!! ROFL

Muddy verges anger

Northants Evening Telegraph: "Desperate" householders demand action over muddy grass verges

Desperate? Tsunami victims are desperate. People getting murdered by Col Gaddafi for opposing his rule are desperate. I think the word you are looking for is "mildly inconvenienced"

Circus anger

Cambridge News: Clown's trousers explode with rage as circus posters torn down

"Is this our first angry clown?" our spotter asks.

Answer: NO.

Spotter's Badge: James

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mad dog anger

Belper News: Anger as chickens mauled by dog

There's such a thing as rescue chickens? Live and learn.

Building plans anger

Biggleswade Today: Fury as plans for 250 new homes waved through

Of course, the whole "Big Society" bit kicks in when the building starts. Meet the builders...

Three fellas tree fellers anger

Nottingham Post: Neighbours angry at attempt to lop trees

Bloke in the middle's so angry he's got himself wedged in.

Spotter's Badge: David

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Homeless family anger

Southampton Daily Echo: Anger as family of dog-lovers forced to live in car

And the comments, until [bah!] the paper closed them, were straight from Planet Bastard

Scooter theft anger, again

Watford Observer: Fury as mobility scooter stolen

There's been a rash of these thefts. We blame Robot Wars.

Spotter's Badge: TRT

Felled tree anger

St Helens Reporter: Anger as thousands spent cutting down trees

BIG FAIL for neglecting to use the word "Stumped"

Sp;otter's Badge: Mark

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bus shelter anger

Dorset Echo: Fury over plans to demolish bus shelter

The woman at the front either has no lower legs, or she is hovering six inches above the roadway. WHICH IS IT? We suspect WITCHERY

And days later...

Dorset Echo: Even more FURY as bus shelter is demolished

...despite mysterious disappearance of five protesters in bizarre WITCHERY ritual.

Phone number anger

Reading Evening Post: Couple angry over wrong phone number

Look, I've got no idea what's going on. Just admire the view.

Spotter's Badge: David

Saturday, April 16, 2011

NIMBY anger

Wanneroo Weekender: Locals against home for 'at risk' kids in their neighbourhood

Are they holding up the fence, or the other way around?

Spotter's Badge: Kim


Inner West Courier: Faithful angry over changes to church

A cafeteria?! BLASPHEMY

Great to see Mrs Mangel looking so well.

Spotter's Badges: Shane, Russell