News 18 Channel: Angry people angry about snow cocks
Spotter's Badge: Finn
Friday, December 31, 2010
Animal cruelty anger
Bournemouth Echo: Fury as thugs shoot cat
In other news: Ferndown moggy stranglers found*
*Joke. JOKE!
Rubbish police anger
Bromley News Shopper: Angry mum hunts down daughter's muggers after police do nothing
"I'd let her play at private dicks."
Spotter's Badge: JuliaM
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Mind The Gap Not Angry At All
Brighton Argus: Hove man outed as voice of "Mind The Gap"
He looks a bit angry. He's pointing. That's good enough for this blog.
Spotter's Badge: Pete
McDonalds Not Angry At All
Bromley News Shopper: Campaigner smug as McDonalds planning application thrown out
A follow-up to this seething ball of rage
Spotter's Badge: Peter
Car/pothole anger
Brighton Argus: Driver enraged as car damaged by pothole
1. Top pointing
2. Superb lack of sympathy in the comments
Spotter's Badge: Skuds
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Treehouse anger
Lancashire Evening Post: Family forced to pull down treehouse after complaints from neighbours
I bet someone got a turd-in-a-box for Christmas this year.
Spotter's Badge: Ian
Heating anger
Knutsford Guardian: Family freezes as heating oil delivery fails to appear
"I'd give her a delivery of fuel oil"
Spotter's Badge: Maria
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Slum two-for-the-price-of-one anger
Oxford Mail: Council set to buy 'the worst house in Oxford'
MUGS. Buy a good one.
Spotter's Badge: Suzanne
Nearly killed completely TO DEATH anger
Edinburgh News: Girl points in horror at length of guttering that nearly killed her completely TO DEATH
Yeah, enough of the kids. What's your mum like?
Spotter's Badge: Caroline
Monday, December 27, 2010
Stolen bin anger
Bournemouth Echo: Angry mum forced to pay £60 for stolen recycling bin
You dopey woman. The form is this: Steal somebody else's bin
Parking fee anger
Oxford Mail: Shopkeeps fold arms in fury over council plans to charge for parking
There's very little else to do in Kidlington, I'm told
Spotter's Badge: Suzanne
Recycling Anger
New York Post: Woman fined $100 after throwing newspaper in bin
Fury in a manner that only New Yorkers can manage
Spotter's Badge: Grumpy Faced Angel
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tesco Anger
Oxfrord Mail: Locals furious as pub sold to Tesco
I'd buy her Tesco Value beer goggles
Spotter's Badge: Suzanne
Stolen Grit anger
Kent and Sussex Courier: His Holiness The Pope furious after road grit is stolen
Actual photo caption: Council leader Bob Lanzer with a bag of grit which wasn't stolen
Spotter's Badge: Skuds
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas decorations anger
Oxford Mail: Christmas cancelled in Oxford after council buys wrong kind of lamp posts
Luckily, they've got the right kind of cross-beam that makes Easter celebrations a breeze.
Christmas Spotter's Badge: Suzanne
Sunderland Echo: Family's fury, mild relief, after Egyptian HOLIDAY HELL
I'd something something Pharoah something
Friday, December 24, 2010
Vandalism anger
Kenilworth Weekly News: Anger as yobs smash up front garden
It's Russ Abbott! That'll learn him for having those noisy parties, happy atmosphere or no.
Racism anger
Edinburgh News: Couple give up bar after stream of racist abuse
Boy or girl? You decide.
Spotter's Badge: Caroline
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Stolen Decorations Anger
Southend Standard: Family left (oh-ho!) in the dark as thieves steal Christmas decorations
And superb work from the Standard for their to-the-point, one-word picture caption.
Council tax anger
Oxford Mail: Fury as woman pays £350 more in council tax than her neighbours
Simple solution: Someone's got to pay an extra 350 quid
Spotter's Badge: Suzanne
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Angry Squirrel. Repeat: ANGRY SQUIRREL
Oxford Mail: Health and Safety rules anger genuine six-foot squirrel-human hybrid
And so, the Didcot inter-breeding scandal rumbles on.
Spotter's Badge: Andrew
Bad E-fit
Kent Police: Man wanted after assault
So: Do you know a man with two turds on his head? If so, dial this number: 999
That number again: 999
Don't have nightmares
Gym membership anger
Harlow Star: Gym refuses to cancel angry man's membership
The classic "I'm so angry I nearly said something" pose
Spotter's Badge: Laura
Bin anger
Edinburgh News: Locals slightly miffed as bins not emptied in a month
Burn it to keep warm. Win/Win!
Spotter's Badge: Caroline
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Surgery closure anger (Repeat offender)
Bexley News Shopper: Closure of clinic is 'a kick in the teeth'
Recognise this guy? Yup, he's been here before. Still angry, still rooted to the spot.
Spotter's Badge First Class: Pavlov's Cat
Dog poo anger
Manchester Evening News: Don't mess with the dog mess cleanup kids
Don't mess with them. They'll have your hubcaps
Excluded from school anger
Courier Mail: Kids expelled from school over father's row with head teacher
"Hey kids! D'you know what'll really piss off the old goat?"
"Let's go to the papers!"
Spotter's badge: @hp88
Postal Anger
Dewsbury Reporter: Pensioners fury at delays in postal service
That's proper "I'll kill each and every one of you" anger in those eyes
Monday, December 20, 2010
Big Society anger
Oxford Mail: Volunteer libraries: They're going to be crap, aren't they?
Something something sexist Dewey Decimal System sexist something.
Spotter's Badge: John Rentoul
My thanks to John for his support for this blog when it was nothing but fields.
Bank anger
Hereford Times: Businessman angry as 'Britain's most helpful bank' isn't
Top pointing by former Blackburn Rovers boss Fat Sam
Spotter's Badge: James
Red Tape Anger
Essex Echo: Business owners angry red tape delaying rebuild of industrial estate
"We didn't do it. It was like this when we got here"
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Is there no end to the Pothole Anger?
Chorley Guardian: Potholes still unrepeaired after January's frost
Black holes of Chorley: Was expecting some kind of specialist publication. Disappointed.
Blogging binman anger
Edinburgh News: Binman to appeal dismissal after slamming his bosses on website
Just putting it on record: My boss is EXCELLENT.
Spotter's Badge: Caroline
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Stolen compost anger
Inner West Courier: Gardeners furious as compost bins are stolen
"I'd mulch her garden"
Spotter's Badge: Gerry
Neighbour from HELL anger
Dundee Courier: Neighbour admits flooding house
[Sexism goes here, geezer looks too huge, though]
Spotter's Badge: Clarrie
Friday, December 17, 2010
Mould anger
Bournemouth Echo: Residents angry over mouldy flats
Yeah, I know. Who owns that arm?
Spotter's Badge: Esqui
Leaking drain anger
Dorset Echo: Resident fears accidents as drain overflows after storm
New from Matalan - the Pointing Angry Bloke range
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Boat club anger
Watford Observer: Sailing club's future in doubt as lease of reservoir not renewed
In fact, they're going to (oh-ho!) pull the plug on the whole lake
Spotter's Badge: TRT
Runaway truck anger
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
NHS anger
Essex Echo: Man's hospital trip wasted as incompetent trust bungles appointment
And - because he's looking for gastric band surgery - he's treated with all due reverence and fairness in the comments. Makes you proud to be British.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas Tree Anger
Bournemouth Echo: Traders prepared to leap out of well-chosen hiding place to kill, kill and kill again over council's 'health and safety' Christmas tree decision
Keep up the good work, people. These pencil-necked desk jockeys won't know what hit them.
Missing car anger
InMyCommunity: Woman's car still missing after being towed away three years ago
No --- there it is. Look to your left.
Spotter's Badge: Kim
Monday, December 13, 2010
Deportation anger
Bournemouth Echo: Canadian-born woman threatened with deportation after living in the UK for 65 years
Go on Canada, do the decent thing
(Of course, if her skin was a different colour, I dare say the comments would be filled with people cheering on the 'jobsworth' customs officials)
Wildlife anger
Sunshine Coast Daily: Wildlife twins - who [and this is important] suffer high blood pressure could be forced to close animal rescue centre
"I'd raise their blood pressure"
Spotter's Badge: Rob