Friday, April 30, 2010

Lottery anger

Waltham Forest Guardian: Woman's fury over lottery scam letter

Nobody ever falls for these thing these days. To find out why, send me £50.

Spotter's Badge: Beth

Pavement anger

Oxford Mail: Furious traders demand pavement is relaid

I used to do a blog called "Done a Poo". It's still out there if you care to look. This would, I am sad to say, be ideal content.

Spotter's Badge: Suzanne

Arson about anger

Reading Evening Post: Family cross-armed in fury as car torched

It's the little details: “They appeared to use a row of little teddies – children’s toys – and some kind of accelerant.”

W T and indeed F?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Allotment anger

Waltham Forest Guardian: Eeeee! They stole me shed!

Police are looking for a man carrying a shed.

Spotter's Badge: Beth

Farm anger

Oxford Mail: Popular tourist attraction to stay closed this year

Cloning the dinosaurs was taking longer than expected

Spotter's Badge: Suzanne

Solar panel anger

Wokingham Times: Householders slightly damp with rage at neighbour's solar panels

"The solar panels should be re-sited on the back of the house where [we] would not be overlooked."

...which means they'd be pointing away from the sun, presumably. Yeah, great thinking.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hoon anger

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Pooh sticks anger

Oxford Mail: Health and Safety put an end to annual pooh sticks game

However, officials allowed the ritual slaughter of Richard Littlejohn, so not all bad.

Spotter's Badge: Suzanne

Bus fares anger

Reading Evening Post: Passengers furious over bus fare changes

Take the bus.


And if you're seeing this photo sideways: So am I. Weird goings on on the Angry People blog.

Election anger

Reading Evening Post: Mother wide-eyed with rage as 17-year-old son gets election leaflet

Good grief, and they're people actually vote next Thursday.

Spotter's badges: Graham, Andy, David

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Woodpecker anger

Brighton Argus: Bognor street under siege from woodpecker



Spotter's Badge: Bob

Quarry anger

Dorset Echo: Residents seething about dust from lorries

Alternatively: People who bought houses next to quarry dismayed to find out they're living next to a quarry

School uniform anger

Somerset Guardian: Parents locked in to-the-death battle with school over uniform policy

That Rafa Benitez - he just doesn't know when he's beaten, does he?

Spotter's Badge: Stewart

Monday, April 26, 2010

Building work anger

Southwark News: Building work too noisy for angry residents

Although, truth be told, at least one of these people doesn't look that angry at all.

Spotter's Badge: Joshua

Fairtrade Anger

Sligo Weekender: Seething ingrates win fairtrade goods

Sorry, no link to the story, but - good grief - have you ever seen such miserable competition winners?

Spotter's Badge: Anon

Parking ticket anger

Henley Standard: Angry driver loses bid to cancel parking ticket

Guilty secret: Your humble author has been angry in the Henley Standard. No, I'm not showing.

Spotter's Badge: Naz

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Holiday HELL special

The recent volcanic ash cloud has been lined with gold for our local newspapers, meaning they can fill their pages with stories of aggrieved travellers returning from their HOLIDAY HELL.

Here's a couple from my local paper. More - undoubtedly - to follow as my new Google Alert kicks in.

Dorset Echo: 48-hour coach trip home from HOLIDAY HELL makes girl unwell

Dorset Echo: Retired couple return from HOLIDAY HELL with tale of HOLIDAY HELL

Stolen car anger

Reading Evening Post: Dude, where's my car? It had a name and everything

A pose taken straight out of a GCSE French textbook

Chapter Five: Dude, where's my car?

"Dude, ou est ma voiture? Ou est elle?"

"Malheureusement, la voiture a été volée"


Get off our land anger

Bendigo Advertiser: Furious couple force council officers off their property

There's angry people in local newspapers. And now we have absolutely livid people in local newspapers. I don't think we've ever had anyone quite so angry.

Apart from this chap, obviously.

Landslip anger

Sunshine Coast Daily: Residents blame bad planning for landslip

I'm debating a new tag: Angry older-women-not-quite-ready-for-the-photograph

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Golden Arches anger

Essex Echo: Driver gets parking ticket for return trip to McDonalds

In all honesty, you should get a ticket for your first trip.

Parking anger

Thurrock Gazette: Resident fuming at parking plans

Good Lord, man - you expect me to read that? You need to write it in chisel-tip marker on a bit of cardboard, like these good people.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Flooding anger

Reading Evening Post: Fed up flood victim demands apology from council

As the tone of this site nose-dives, I'd just like to point out that the correct caption for this picture is: "I'd fix her pipes"

Hoon anger

Wentworth Courier: Actual headline: Potts Point residents demand tougher action against ‘hoons’

Superbly realised literal photography.

And if you want to know what a 'hoon' is - look it up.

Spotter's Badge: Gerry

Steam Fair anger

Dorset Echo: Majorettes twirl their sticks in rage after being dropped from local Steam Fair

I know a song about a blacksmith who made something that was powered by steam.

Sing along if you know the words. Dance if you've got a twirly stick.

Spotter's Badge: Matt

Trapped-in-the-Bahamas anger

Reading Evening Post: Local family trapped in the Bahamas by volcanic ash cloud

Closer inspection reveals that among the angry passport-wielding victims of this story is the web editor at ...err... the Reading Evening Post. Cripes!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Road sign anger

Wilts and Glos Standard: Villagers in a rage over new road signs

I don't blame them. If this pic is anything to go by, these signs are fucking MASSIVE.

Spotter's Badge: Grey Cardigan

Closed pavement anger

Glasgow Evening Times: Shopkeep's fury as new Tesco kills trade before it even opens

Never mind that: The fashion Gods have spoken. White roll-neck sweaters are officially IN.

Spotter's Badge: Gavin

School injury anger

Cambridge News: Mum to sue over kid's school accident

Our spotter observes: A stark warning that, when you're chasing an ambulance, be aware that it could brake suddenly.

Spotter's Badge: James

BNP anger

Ipswich Evening Star: Mum's anger as BNP election slogan printed on £10 note

It's actually an official campaign. The fifty pound notes have "Get your servant to vote Conservative and then, perhaps, kick dirt over a poor person" printed on them.

Spotter's Badge: James

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tiny musician anger

Inner West Courier: Fury as council closes music venue

Where - we ask - will very, very, very small musicians gather now? In a box? SORT IT OUT.

Spotter's Badge: Gerry

Death trap anger

Manly Daily: Mother’s fury at child deathtrap on Avalon building site

Remember kids: Building sites are death traps. Look at poor, dead Bob the Builder.

Spotter's Badge: Gerry

House swap anger

Oxford Mail: Fury as massive family denied house swap

The elephant in the room. STOP BREEDING.

Also: There is an elephant in your room, which might explain a lot.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Long grass anger

Sunshine Coast Daily: Neighbours seething about phone company's long grass

Great to see a remake of "Honey I Shrunk The Kids" is in the pipeline.

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Vandalism anger

Mosman Daily: Aussies spitting nails over vandalism

That's not vandalism. That's the damage caused by this bloke's gimlet stare of disapproval.

Spotter's Badge: Gerry

Free coffee anger

Inner West Courier: Shopkeep forced to give out freebies as business dries up

Got any cake? It's my wedding anniversary today, and I think we all deserve cake.

Spotter's Badge: Gerry

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wonky lamp post anger

Dorset Echo: Bored former rocket scientist brings his expertise to bear on crooked street lighting

And I quote: "Our engineers got their levels out and checked – they’re totally erect."

In these cynical times, isn't it great to see council employees enjoying their work?

As a matter of fact, on closer inspection, pointing bloke might have a point.

School places anger

Bucks Free Press: Theresa May steps in over school places fiasco

That's Theresa May the MP, and not - sadly - the other nudey-prod-movies Theresa May.

This is why these posh kids are so angry.

Care home anger

Bournemouth Echo: Residents to protest demolition of care home, even after it has been demolished

Oi! OI! The camera's this way

Once again the simple folk of Swanage fall foul to the new-fangled soul-stealing device

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Broken violin anger

Wimbledon Guardian: Busker's fiddle smashed in street brawl

Time to dust down the "Gratuitous sax and senseless violins" pun. Sorry.

Spotter's Badge: Rhys

Missing cat anger

Bucks Free Press: £1,000 reward offered for return of cat

"I'm not a mad cat woman but..."

You know it.

Hospital anger

Ham and High Express: Hospital's new illuminated entrance "like a UFO landing in our garden" says piano teacher

"I'd subject her to an anal probe."

No... wait. Sorry.

"I'd tickle her ivories."

Yes. That.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Broken paving anger

Basildon Recorder: Rampant pointing as woman breaks arm in pavement fall

Good, solid, angry pointing from the old school.

Spotter's Badge: Glum Councillors

Homeless shelter anger

Carlisle News and Star: Hostel could wipe thousands off home values, say NIMBYs

Note, if you can take your eyes off the foreground, that one of these campaigners appears to have fallen through a timewarp from 1854.

Spotter's Badge: Claire

Grass verge anger

Brighton Argus: Very, very small councillor fumes as drivers park on grass verges

I've just discovered the utter lunacy that is the Brighton Argus. Don't ever, ever change.

Spotter's Badge: Rhys

Friday, April 16, 2010

Nuclear destruction anger

Dorset Echo: Householders' fury as local emergency drill makes them look stupid

This has got to be my favourite local news story of the year. And - gad - it happened on my own front door step.

1. Local council holds emergency drill around former Naval base
2. Water company tours town telling people not to drink the water
3. ???
4. PANIC!!!!
5. Enraged citizens make divs of themselves in local, national and international press