My eyesight's not as good as it used to be, but I am certain he is holding up a till receipt for a tube of Ralgex and a pair of rubber gloves. But I could be wrong.
It's not as if your entire town has been ripped in two by flooding, and a well-loved police officer has been swept away to his death whilst saving lives. But hey - slot machines in an out-of-season seaside resort ARE important.
Police lab technicians are working - AS WE SPEAK - on a strain of Ebola that will only attack the DNA of the thieves. Then, they will release it into the air above Weymouth and wait for justice to be served.
Alternatively, they will simply shoot on sight anyone seen with a Christmas tree. It's the only way to make sure.
Our spotter informs us that the print edition showed our hapless group of protesters in the classic "thumbs down" pose. Damn you, web editor! Spotter: Beth
We haven't seen much from our favourite publication that is the Macc Express. Glad to see that seething anger is still alive and well in Macclesfield. Spotter: Tim Poole
Superb use of the local photographer's B&Q aluminium step-ladder, an often over-looked weapon in the armoury of the professional lensman. Either that, or he's eight feet tall.
Observation number one: The road appears to be straight
Observation number two: There's a distraction at the side of the road that may *actually* be the cause of these accidents. Spotter's Badge if you can find it
Yes. That sign has not been shopped. They don't want apes. They lost their campaign, and all will be forced to take apes into their homes. Will hilarious results!
I was hit up the arse by a firework last month, and did I run to the local paper like this genuine Mrs Angry of Tunbridge Wells? No. I did not. Mainly because of the hideous arse injuries. Source: Frances