Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bogus builder anger

Cambridge News: OAP's boggle-eyed fury over dodgy builder

"Snakes alive!" says our contributor of today's Victor Meldrew-a-like, "He's been practicing that look in the mirror"

Spotter: James

Police anger

Lancashire Telegraph: Driver's fury over police abuse

My eyesight's not as good as it used to be, but I am certain he is holding up a till receipt for a tube of Ralgex and a pair of rubber gloves. But I could be wrong.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lack of stairs anger

Waltham Forest Guardian: Pensioner's fury as landlord leaves her without stairs

Look on the bright side, think of the exercise you'll be getting with your very own indoor assault course.

Spotter: Beth

Flooding anger

Dorset Echo: Small amount of water affecting my business, says shopkeep

It's not as if your entire town has been ripped in two by flooding, and a well-loved police officer has been swept away to his death whilst saving lives. But hey - slot machines in an out-of-season seaside resort ARE important.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Tesco anger

Waltham Forest Guardian: New supermarket opening delayed, gives angry opponents three days extra rage

Once again, the angry shopkeep is marked out by the use of the "I've got a business to run" apron.

Scrooge council anger

Bournemouth Echo: Council warns workers not to accept Christmas gifts

They're doing it wrong. They should, perhaps, resort to a practice that I understand is called the "Happy Finish". Whatever that is.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Recycling anger

Southend Echo: Recycling-crazy shopkeep fined for not producing commercial waste

And he's so angry, he's going to play that chicken like a set of bagpipes.

Spotter: @nonrevolver

Pothole anger

Glasgow Evening Times: Help ma boab! Potholes broke my car!

Encouraging to see the horseless carriage now a regular feature on the streets of our northern neighbours.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

School move anger

Gateshead Gazette: Fury, utter FURY over proposed school relocation

Other versions of this picture say PARK OFF PRESTON HANDS

Rickshaw not-angry-at-all weirdness

Hindustan Times: Actor hurt in rickshaw mishap

No reason for posting this one, other to say: "Isn't that Tubbs from The League of Gentlemen?"

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sea wall anger

Southend Echo: Sea wall vandals 'should be made to pay for damage'

Sometimes I think there aren't enough pictures on this site of angry people *actually* pointing at things.


Ketchup anger

Reading Evening Post: Girl nearly blinded by tomato ketchup

Let that be a warning to you all - condiments can be deadly. I once put my knee out on a sachet of Tartare Sauce. I will never play the piano again.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Ginger anger

York Press: Ginger mum's ginger fury at ginger Christmas card

"I'm not ginger," she fumes. "I'm strawberry blonde."

And from the safety of my bunker on the south coast: Could be worse. You could be northern. And ginger.

Christmas Spotter: Claire

Road humps anger

Oxford Mail: Campaigner's fury at planned speed bumps

And what better way to mark Christmas Day than an arty picture of a bloke on the verge of bellowing "Bah Hambug!"

Anger at Crapita anger

Oxford Mail: Old fella pursued by rubbish debt collectors

Happy Christmas, everyone. Unless you work for Crapita.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wonky Christmas tree anger

London Evening Standard: Limp Christmas tree 'a kick in the teeth'

Anyone who complains about this fine example of council aboriculture should expect a real kick in the teeth.

"Nice how Bob's hair is colour co-ordinated with the rest of his outfit."

Spotter's Badge: Mark Wadsworth, Dave Constable, Richard Amos

New home anger

Reading Evening Post: My new house is falling to pieces, claims homeowner

That's what you get when you build houses out of cardboard and dog spit. And £440,000? They must have seen you coming.

And while we're here...

Reading Evening Post: Family angry at housebuilder

Another one from a recent Reading Evening Post "Up Yours, Wimpey" edition.

Christmas lights anger

Oxford Mail: Vandals wreck family's Christmas lights

If you ask me, they didn't do a thorough enough job.

Spotter: Suzanne

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Old-age hoodie anger

Cambridge News: Pensioner seething over shopping centre's 'No Hoods' policy

Yikes. Please lady, take the phone, wallet, mint imperials, anything, just don't touch my face.

Spotter: James

"Venting" their anger (geddit?)

Romford Yellow Advertiser: Residents seeth over 'dangerous' vent

One day, I want a leather coat like that. One day I shall have it. Oh yes.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Kids' party anger

Waltham Forest Guardian: Pub accused over dog poo at party venue

New category for this site: Angry MILFS. Whatever they are.

Broken window anger

Dorset Echo: Thieves make off with thousands in shop smash-and-grab

If only there was some sort of glazing business nearby that could fix angry shopkeep's broken window

Monday, December 21, 2009

Stolen Christmas tree anger

Dorset Echo: Thieves leave vital DNA clue at scene of crime of the century

Police lab technicians are working - AS WE SPEAK - on a strain of Ebola that will only attack the DNA of the thieves. Then, they will release it into the air above Weymouth and wait for justice to be served.

Alternatively, they will simply shoot on sight anyone seen with a Christmas tree. It's the only way to make sure.

Stolen bike anger

Oxford Mail: Cycling family's bike stolen from communal hallway

"Mummy - why can't we have a car like normal people?"

Spotter: Simon

Angry note: We're going down to two posts per day over the Christmas period, but keep sending your angry spots to the usual address.

Bus stop anger

Central Coast Express Advcoate (AUS): Residents fume over poor bus service

This is a thing of great beauty.

"Right! You at the front - LOOK ANGRY."


"You at the back - pretend to look at the bus timetable."


"But not so angry."


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Driving test anger

Barry and District News: Driving instructors seeth as test centre closes

Dear Angry Welsh Driving Instructors,

You are all parked on double yellow lines. Hardly a good example for young boy racers, isn't it?

Your pal, Duck (Scary)

Sinking home anger

Queensland Courier Mail: Fear, loathing as the Earth swallows housing estate

A superb study in the gimlet-stare-eating-into-your-very-soul school of photography.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Card anger

Bournemouth Echo Woman's anger at post charges for large letters

Why not be different this Christmas? Why not sent a tip to the managers that run the Royal Mail?

My tip being: "You're all tossers. Sod off and die in a fire"

Stolen doorbell anger

Dorset Echo: Rogue carol singers stole my doorbell

My advice would be to invest in a knocker. And a spare one in case the original goes missing. A nice pair of knockers.

I think I'll go and lie down for a bit.

Parking ticket anger

North Wales Weekly News: Driver's anger at food festival parking ticket

Good grief. Let the bloke off before he actually explodes.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Survey anger

Keighley News: Member of the outragerati outraged at questions in survey

And yet, the question goes unanswered: Gay, straight, transexual or transvestite?

Spotter: Simon

Bank anger

Victoria Herald Sun: Householder's anger at rising mortgage rates

And what better way to illustrate your anger than to make a scary face and rip a piece of paper with the bank's name in half.

Spotter: Matt

Lack of Christmas lights anger

Romford Yellow Advertiser: Furious shopkeeps demand Christmas lights

It is unfortunate, then, that this photograph was taken just as Iran tested its first nuclear device. Better luck next year, shopkeeps!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stone theft anger

Keighley News: Kids upset over theft from walls

Dear Kids,

OK, you're in the paper. Stop sending the sodding letters.

Your pals at the Keighley News

Supermarket anger

Waltham Forest Guardian: Minister refuses to step in over Tesco

Our spotter informs us that the print edition showed our hapless group of protesters in the classic "thumbs down" pose. Damn you, web editor!

Spotter: Beth

Dog fighting anger

Macclesfield Express: Anger as fighting dogs trained in local park

We haven't seen much from our favourite publication that is the Macc Express. Glad to see that seething anger is still alive and well in Macclesfield.

Spotter: Tim Poole

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Photo caption FAIL

One from the Manchester Evening News published a few years ago. I thought the caption on the photo just a little harsh.

Spotter: Maria

Traffic warden anger

Keighley News: Traffic wardens scaring our customers away, say angry shopkeeps

Superb use of the local photographer's B&Q aluminium step-ladder, an often over-looked weapon in the armoury of the professional lensman. Either that, or he's eight feet tall.

Chip shop anger

Durham Journal Live: Angry shop owner gets gas bill refund

Smile, then, for the love of God. You've got one over THE MAN.

Spotter: Ian

Missed concert anger

Oxford Mail: I only gave myself two hours to get from Oxford to Central London despite having six months to plan my journey, says man looking for someone to blame

Not that I've made up my mind about this story, by any means.

Worth clicking through to the item to experience the merciless kicking Mr Angry gets in the comments

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bend in the road anger

Brentwood Weekly News: Mum's plea over dangerous bend

Observation number one: The road appears to be straight

Observation number two: There's a distraction at the side of the road that may *actually* be the cause of these accidents. Spotter's Badge if you can find it

Ape anger

Southampton Daily Echo; Residents lose fight over adventure playground plans

Yes. That sign has not been shopped. They don't want apes. They lost their campaign, and all will be forced to take apes into their homes. Will hilarious results!

Rat anger

Oxford Mail: Neighbours anger after rats move in

Bloody rats, coming over here, getting to the top of the council house list...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bus lane anger

Dorset Echo: Boat owners' fury over Olympic bus lane

"Where's our chuffin' boat lane? You promised us a boat lane. Give us our boat lane, you council nazis"

Firework anger

Kent and Sussex Courier: Rocket attack causes minor damage, seething fury

I was hit up the arse by a firework last month, and did I run to the local paper like this genuine Mrs Angry of Tunbridge Wells? No. I did not. Mainly because of the hideous arse injuries.

Source: Frances

Road safety anger

Northwich Guardian: Residents plea for drivers to cut speed

You can see their point. Even the road sign is flat against the wall.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

OAP campaign not-angry-at-all

Southwark News: Oldies campaign for decent presents

You'll get bath salts and like them you bloody ingrates. And a comedy draught excluder in the shape of a dog.

ASBO anger

Oxford Mail: Police anger as court refuses to name ASBO yob

Is it just me, or are police officers getting shorter these days?